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Bedwetting Pad

January 12, 2010 1 min read

I recently talked to a parent who recalls using "a horrible big metal pad as a treatment for bedwetting when she was a child. Although it did work to help her achieve dryness, she was reluctant to subject her 8 year old child to something that would create similar memories. She asked, "Have there really been changes to bedwetting pads over the past 30 years?

I can enthusiastically answer, "Yes, there have been many positive changes in the mechanics and styles of bedwetting alarms over the last few years.

First, wearable alarms are more popular now. Rather than using a pad that the child lies on, a small sensor that attaches to the underwear senses moisture. The advantage of this style of alarm is that it moves as your child rolls around in the night. The older pad style alarms only work if the child is lying on it when the wetting occurs.

Another advance comes with wireless technology. With a wireless bedwetting alarm, such as the Rodger Wireless or Malem wireless, no cords or wires are necessary. Once the transmitter detects wetness, it transmits to the sound unit, which can be across the room or on a bedside table. The sounds that the alarms make are kid friendly and resemble sounds that their toys make. Multiple color choices and sound selections enable kids to pick something that they like. They can think of their bedwetting alarm as a comfortable bedwetting treatment that helps them get to dryness.

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