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Sound sleeper

January 23, 2009 2 min read

DSC asks me a question about her 12 year's progress. She has been using the Rodger alarm for about a week. Mom can hear the alarm from her room but her daughter doesn't get up to it. Mom is concerned that the alarm won't work for her.

This is a common complaint. I haven't met a bedwetting child yet who isn't considered to be a very sound sleeper by their parents. Actually, children's sleep patterns in general are different than adults. But in most cases, parents of children who don't have a problem with bedwetting don't try to waken their children in the middle of the night.

The bedwetting alarm may sound at any point in the sleep cycle. If the wetting occurs in the first few hours of sleep, your daughter may be especially difficult to wake up, be disoriented or even combative. She will not remember any of this behavior in the morning. I see this frequently in the first few weeks of using an alarm. Since you can hear the alarm, you should go to your daughter's room and remind her what she should do next. "That's your alarm. You need to go to the bathroom now. Get out of bed and turn off your alarm. Let's go. Point her in the direction of the bathroom and accompany her if necessary.

Over time, her brain and bladder will begin to realize that the sound that comes from the receiver is a sound that she needs to respond to. After a few weeks of your help, she should begin to react more spontaneously and independently. When the wetting occurs later in the sleep cycle, she will have an easier time alerting herself. don't be a bit discouraged by what you're seeing so far. Her response is perfectly normal and does not mean that she won't get to dryness.

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