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No Longer Constipated but Still Wetting

October 02, 2017 2 min read

My 10 year old son had a history of going to the bathroom frequently in the daytime and of wetting every night. We realized that constipation was a problem and worked with our voiding clinic to resolve it. We used enemas for several months, as well as Miralax every day. The daytime frequency is much improved and he now has daily soft poops. A follow-up x-ray is normal.

My problem is that he still wets his disposable pants most nights. What else can we do?

First, you've done a great job in addressing the constipation issue. It isn't easy to take all the steps needed to conquer constipation.

I assume that a routine urine test was done at the voiding clinic to make sure there are no other contributing factors. Most of the time, urine tests are normal. Even with constipation resolved and no other known factors identified, there are still some children, like your son, who continue to have bedwetting.

These kids have never developed the ability to wake up when they need to go to the bathroom at night. Many have used disposables for years and are used to that feeling. You can try using a bedwetting alarm now. 

There can be more than one factor causing bedwetting. You have addressed one factor (constipation) but there may be other things to consider. Bedwetting alarms have been proven to help children speed up the brain-bladder connection.

When he begins using the bedwetting alarm, he will also stop using disposable pants. A bedwetting alarm senses wetting and sounds to alert both you and your son when he needs to go to the bathroom.

You have an important job because most children sleep through the loud sound initially. You go to his room and insure that he is getting up, turning off the alarm and walking to the toilet. Over time, he will become more independent in doing this.

A wireless alarm, such as the Rodger wireless, is well suited for someone your son's age. He simply pulls on the special underwear when he goes to bed and turns on the receiver. If he has a dry night, the alarm is silent. If wetting occurs, the alarm will help him (and you) know when this happens.

Over time, his body will begin to recognize the feeling that happens when you need to wake up and urinate. Even children without constipation occasionally have to wake up to go to the bathroom. Learning how to do this now will be something he can do for the rest of his life.

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