OdorZyme Special Directions & Additional Information
Get rid of urine odors and stains
Detailed Directions - Please read before applying
Detailed directions for using Odorzyme on a selection of specific surfaces and materials are given below, but keep the following thoughts in mind as you apply Odorzyme:
- Always shake the bottle or Jug well before using!
- To eliminate the entire odor and stain Odorzyme must contact all urine deposits on and below the surface. If urine has soaked in to padding, subfloors, etc., all of these surfaces must be saturated with Odorzyme.
- Different types of surfaces may require different application techniques. Refer to the rest of these directions and find the application surface that is closest to your application.
- Odorzyme must remain wet and in contact with the urine deposits long enough for the microbes and enzymes to complete their work on the urine.
- If urine deposits are heavy, very old, or other urine odor or stain products have been used on the stain or odor previously, more than one Odorzyme treatment may be needed.
- All types of surfaces must be saturated and allowed to air-dry. The more absorbent the material you are treating, the more Odorzyme will be required. Pour Odorzyme onto the surface if urine is heavy and surface is very absorbent.
- Repeat applications as necessary.
- Do not spray directly on pets or people. Although Odorzyme is mild and safe to use around pets and people, and it's certified biodegradable by Green Cross, it is not designed for topical use!
- ALWAYS test fabrics, including carpets, for colorfastness in an inconspicuous area before applying Odorzyme. Odorzyme is mild and safe to use on most water-safe surfaces, but be sure and always and test first for colorfastness!
- NEVER use other cleaners or chemicals of any kind with Odorzyme. Other cleaners and chemicals may prevent the microbes and enzymes from working at all.
- Use Odorzyme first! If other chemicals have already been applied, be sure to rinse with clean water and blot repeatedly. If possible, use a portable vacuum designed to extract liquids several times to remove all traces of the other chemicals. Allow the surface to dry completely before using Odorzyme.
- For those who purchased half gallons or gallons, shake well before using and fill either a pump sprayer or a clean household spray bottle with the Odorzyme liquid. We do not recommend using Odorzyme in steam cleaners.
Special Directions for Carpet and Upholstery
ALWAYS check first for colorfastness by applying to an inconspicuous area.
For Fresh Urine Deposits:
- Do not use any other cleaners or chemicals. Do not shampoo carpet or upholstery. If you plan to have the carpet or upholstery shampooed anyway, do this only after you have removed all urine odor and stain with Odorzyme.
- Soak up as much urine as possible by blotting by hand with paper towels. Do not use your shoe to press down the paper towels, as urine residue on your shoe will track urine scent for several steps! Use protective gloves if desired.
- Use the "stream" setting on the sprayer nozzle to saturate the urine stain, the underlying padding, and the flooring with Odorzyme, (Odorzyme must contact all of the urine-soaked material completely to remove the odor and stain). For large volumes of urine, remove the sprayer and pour Odorzyme directly onto the stain.
- Allow to air dry.
- After urine odor and stain are removed, remove residue by applying a small amount of water to the area and blotting it up with a paper towel. You may need to do this several times. It is important to remove the residue, or the treated area may attract dirt.
For Old Urine Stains:
- Older Urine deposits can adversely affect or remove dyes in the carpet or upholstery. This damage is not common, but if this has happened, even Odorzyme cannot reverse the damaged area.
- Do not use any other cleaners or chemicals! Do not shampoo carpet. If you plan to have the carpet shampooed anyway, do this only after you have removed all urine odor and stain with Odorzyme.
- Use the "stream" setting on the sprayer nozzle and saturate stained material, underlying padding and floor underneath with Odorzyme. (Odorzyme must come in contact with all of the urine soaked material to remove the odor and stain).
- For particularly old or difficult stains, saturate the area and cover with plastic wrap for 24 to 48 hours, allowing Odorzyme to dry more slowly.
- Note that as the first application of Odorzyme goes to work, the urine odor may actually intensify at first. This is normal with old or heavy urine deposits and indicates that the urine is being broken loose and is rising to the surface.
- Allow to air dry.
- Repeat application for the next few days until stain is no longer visible (may take 3-4 applications) and odor is gone.
- After urine odor and stain are removed, remove residue by applying a small amount of water to the area and blotting up with paper towel. It is important to remove residue or the area may attract dirt.
Special Directions for Hardwood Floors
Urine stains on hardwood flooring can be the most difficult stains to remove! many times, if repeated urine soiling will turn the area black. Black staining indicates that there is a heavy build-up of dried uric salt crystals. Black stains also indicate wood damage has taken place (the acidic urine has burned the tannins in the wood.)
Odorzyme can remove the urine odor entirely, and can also remove the buildup of dried uric salt crystals with repeated application. The damage to the wood tannins cannot be reversed! After the black stains are removed with Odorzyme, the wood may remain a stained gray to black consistency, which shows a permanent burning caused by the uric acid. If this is unacceptable, refinishing will be necessary. In many cases sanding can remove the damaged wood so the flooring can be refinished.
Treat the affected area with Odorzyme before refinishing. The heat of sanding and refinishing can bake the urine crystals into the wood and make odor and stain removal much more difficult if sanding and refinishing is done first. Use multiple applications of Odorzyme® to remove as much of the staining as possible first, then less wood will need to be removed during the finishing process.
Use the following procedure for severely stained floor! Less severe problems will not require as extensive a treatment.
- Treat the perimeter of the problem area first.
- Next spray the entire affected floor area until it is completely saturated.
- Cover the wet floor with plastic sheeting to slow the evaporation speed and allow Odorzyme to work longer. As Odorzyme loosens the uric crystals from the wood; the plastic will also help to draw the urine to the surface. NOTE: Expect the urine odor to become stronger at this point.
- After 30 minutes, remove the plastic and blot the floor dry with paper towels or cloths.
- Re-apply Odorzyme, but do not use plastic sheeting this time. The urine will continue to be drawn to the surface. After 30 minutes, blot the floor dry with paper towels or cloth.
- Continue to apply Odorzyme, wait 20-40 minutes and blot up until all odor is removed. Each treatment will improve the condition of the surface, as evidenced by the stains becoming lighter and smaller in diameter, until all urine residue is removed.
- Spot-treat stained areas as needed until stains are gone or have ceased to grow lighter, indicating that all urine has been removed. Allow to air dry.
- After the final treatment, rinse with water and wipe or mop dry.
Using Odorzyme will remove the odor, reduce the staining, and provide a better starting point for refinishing or covering with new flooring. In some cases, the results can be so good the floor can be used as is!
Special Directions for Concrete Floors
Unsealed concrete may appear hard and impermeable, but it is actually like a hard sponge, with many tiny pores. Urine can soak deeply into the concrete! Removing urine from unsealed concrete can be a real challenge.
Carefully follow the steps below for best results
- Do not use any other cleaners or chemicals! Make sure the floor is dry. If there is carpet adhesive or other residue on the floor, use a scraper to remove it.
- Sweep thoroughly to remove all loose debris and dirt. Dispose of all loose material.
- Spray the affected surface liberally with Odorzyme using a pump sprayer.
- Cover with plastic sheeting for 1 to 2 hours to slow the evaporation rate of Odorzyme® and allow time for the first application to soak deeply into the concrete.
- Note that as the first application of Odorzyme goes to work, the urine odor may intensify at first. This is typical with old or heavy urine deposits and indicates that the urine being loosened and is rising to the surface.
Remove the plastic and blot the floor dry with paper towels or cloths. Expect the blotting towels or cloths to be colored yellow and smell heavily of urine. Dispose of the soiled towels or cloths.
- Reapply Odorzyme. Allow to dry 1 to 2 hours. (In humid climates lacking AC, drying may take longer.)
- Reapply as needed, with 1 to 2 hours drying time between applications, until odor is removed.
Once odor is removed, use a sponge mop and a minimal amount of water to remove residue from the surface.
Special Directions for Mattresses and Furniture
ALWAYS check for colorfastness! For specific treatment of more delicate furnishings, such as leather, always consult first with the manufacturer or the store where you bought the item. As a general rule, Odorzyme will do no more harm to the surface of leather or fabric than water would. Note: Odorzyme will not result in as much harm as the burning acidity of dried urine.
For fresh urine deposits:
- Do not use any other cleaners or chemicals. Do not shampoo the affected area either. If you plan to have the piece of furniture cleaned, do this only after you have removed all urine odor and stain with Odorzyme.
- Soak up as much urine as possible by blotting with paper towels or cloth.
- Use the "stream" setting on sprayer nozzle and saturate the urine stain and the underlying padding (if applicable) with Odorzyme. (Odorzyme must contact all of the urine-soaked material completely to remove the odor and stain. For mattresses and heavily padded furniture, ensure that Odorzyme soaks through to the pad as much as the urine would have originally soaked through.
- Allow to air dry
- After urine odor and stain are removed, remove residue by applying a small amount of water to the area and blotting it up with a paper towel. It is important to remove the residue or the area may attract dirt.
For old dried urine stains:
- Be aware that long-term urine exposure can actually burn leather, the dyes in the fabric of the furniture or the mattress. Such damage is not common, but even the most complete urine removal cannot reverse it.
- Do not use any other cleaners or chemicals! If you plan to have the item professionally cleaned anyway, do this only after you have removed all urine odor and stain with Odorzyme.
- Use the "stream" setting on nozzle and saturate stained material and underlying padding (if applicable) with Odorzyme.
- Odorzyme must contact all of the urine soaked material completely to remove the odor and stain.
- For mattresses and heavily padded furniture, ensure that Odorzyme soaks through to the pad as much as the urine would have originally soaked through.
- For particularly old or difficult stains, saturate the area and cover with plastic wrap for 24 to 48 hours, allowing Odorzyme to stay moist and work for a longer period.
- Note that as the first application of Odorzyme goes to work, the urine odor may intensify at first. This is normal with old or heavy urine deposits, and indicates that the urine is being broken loose and is rising to the surface. The plastic will also help to draw the urine to the surface.
- Allow to air dry.
- Repeat application for the next few days until stain is no longer visible (may take 3-4 applications) and odor is gone.
- After urine odor and stain are removed, remove residue by applying a small amount of water to the area and blotting up with paper towel. It is important to remove residue or the area may attract dirt.
Special Directions for Litter Boxes
Do NOT use directly on pet litter! If the litter has a urine odor, change it. Odorzyme, however, is great for the litter box or pan. Plastic litter boxes can absorb urine and produce urine odors no matter how often you wash them. Replacing them whenever they start to smell unpleasant can get expensive, especially if you have a deluxe "automatic" model!
To remove the odor, follow these steps:
- Empty the litter box
- Wash and dry as usual, being careful to rinse away all traces of soap or other cleaners.
- Liberally spray the entire box, inside and out, with Odorzyme.
- Allow to air dry - 20 - 30 minutes.
- Initially it may take more than one treatment to remove built-up urine.
- Once the litter box is odor-free, wipe with damp sponge or paper towel and put it back in service!
- We recommend applying Odorzyme after each litter change for best results.
Special Directions for Clothing, Bed Linens, and Towels
Odorzyme is a very effective pre-treatment for laundry contaminated by urine!
- Saturate with Odorzyme the entire area of laundry where urine may have come into contact.
- Allow to sit for 20 to 30 minutes before washing.
- For particularly stubborn odors and stains, saturate and place in a plastic bag overnight. This will keep Odorzyme moist longer and allow the microbes and enzymes more time to completely break down the odor and stain.