Need assistance in choosing a product or help with using your product to meet your goals? We're here to help? Read what some of our customers say about our first class service.
I have been so pleased with the service and information we have received. The alarm really works. Our pediatrician recommended the alarm, but didn't have any suggestions or resources to offer. I found your website and went from there. The first few weeks are exhausting, but the end result has been wonderful. The laundry burden has been lifted and not having to buy expensive "goodnights" has been great. I have passed along your website to friends! It has been more helpful than the Dr ever was! My son is thrilled with his success and so are we. Thank you. He can go off to summer camp next year without worry!Sincerely, Sarah P
I called the 800 # with a question and was pleasantly pleased with the helful responses I was given. How lovely to hear a friendly voice for a change!!!!!
I just want to thank you for your product and all the support your company gave. I am happy to say both my 8 year old and my 6 year old are both finally dry all night. They were both such heavy sleepers-I thought we'd never see this day. I can tell their self esteem has increased and I am happy to report my daughter is having her first slumber party! Keep up the work!Deanna L.
I can't thank you enough for your exceptional products and support. I have recommended your company to everyone I know! You are a great company!! Thanks a million!!Josh B.
My son thanked me for contacting The Bedwetting Store. He was so ready to get started. It has been such an improvement in our life. Thank you.
If I have questions the people there help answer them to the best of their knowledge. If they do not know they will find the answers or refer me to a place that does have the answers. My son has been quite successful with his alarm. Of course, he has his good nights and his bad nights (especially in the beginning) but we are sticking behind him 110%.Thank You, Jess K
Great store!!! You help many children with something they don't feel like they will ever have any control over!!! A+++ Guys!
Excellent products. Purchased before, no problems whatsoever. THANK YOU! Keep selling and stocking those excellent products!
Excellent phone support on product info.Thank you, Rose S.
You have lots of options. We liked that. Also liked your professional comments about the products.
Thank you so much for your quick shipping on these mattress overlays. They have been WONDERFULLY helpful.Sandra S
Alarm was exactly what we needed. Shipping was quick. Packaging was good. Everything was safe and not too bulky.Dasaike M.
I'm so grateful for all the information and product choices you provide. I have purchased bed protection items from you in the past, and now a monitoring system. Hopefully, our association will soon be over. :) But I will most certainly recommend your site to anyone I know that might need what you have to offer. (And my son and I particularly appreciate the discreet way your packages arrive. Thank you! :)
Thank you so much for offering a discreet way to handle such a delicate issue. My daughter will be relieved that the package is plain.:-)
I appreciated the well-written articles that helped me to make a well-informed decision about which product to purchase. Thank you.
Thanks for being there. My brother and my wife had this experience in childhood with a fraction of the understanding you provide. It is a wonderful thing to explain to your children that they are not alone and that there is a solution. On behalf of every parent who has experienced the unnecessary distress...Thanks for being there, we appreciate your service.
I just received your follow-up email to my purchase of a bed alarm. I have been SOOO pleased with all of my contact with you. The problem of bedwetting seemed too overwhelming to tackle before I found your website and book. The book was so straight forward that I immediately felt able to tackle the problem.Bobby K.
Your web site had the most helpful information in making a product selection that I could find. I like that your site offers information about bedwetting, not just products.
I appreciated the pictures of how the alarm fits on the child's underwear. That was a big concern for my son. The lengthy descriptions below the product also helped ease his mind; however, I didn't notice them until I was about half-way done shopping for the alarms. I went back to each alarm & read them. Very helpful.
Your site was very helpful. My daughter is 10 so I had her help make this decision. She really liked the idea of being able to hear the alarms before we purchased. That was the major deciding factor for her. Thanks to the Bedwetting Store for providing all the tools and information my child has needed.Anonymous
I felt so very prepared by your materials on the website and in the booklet. I felt that I knew what to expect. I was so pleased that all of your information was written with a tone of such acceptance of this condition instead of humiliation and condescension. Her father, grandmother, and half-sister all had a history of bedwetting until age 15 or 16. Because of this, to be honest, I never expected it to work. But she was dry much sooner than I expected.Clinton D.
Thank you very much for your informative website. I wish every doctor and parent would know about it. When my daughter has her next doctor’s appointment, I am going to bring the Malem and show him so he can begin to recommend it to his patients.Mr. Collins
Your store seems to have everything needed to deal with any type of bed soiling situation a person can face. Thank you for being available to us all.
Loved the fact that you can listen to the alarm!!! Also loved that you showed how the item was attached. On other sites it seemed vague how it would work. Wish us luck!!!!!
Was very happy about the product pictures and description. Made the choice easier for myself and my son. Thank You
We offer a unique follow-up program for customers who purchase our bedwetting alarms and watches. Our experience over many years with tens of thousands of families led us to create support information that includes answers to frequently asked questions. Of course you have the option to opt-out, but most parents find this information extremely valuable to help achieve success with the alarm.
You are doing a great job with your support emails. In fact, you are the only company I have experience with that does a good job in this area. I am pleased with your emails because:
- You exhibit restraint by not sending emails too frequently.
- You provide information that is timely and useful--rather than transparently self-serving (e.g. more aimed at selling more/additional products than product/parent support).
Because your emails aren't too frequent and contrain useful information, I actually read them--which I assume is your goal. I also feel good about having spent almost $100 for the bedwetting device with you. I work in market research for a pharmaceutical company, and I hope my company does as good a job as you do in this type of program.Thanks, L.H.
I appreciate the fact that you send email information and support after an alarm is purchased. My child is progressing well and I haven't had any problems using the alarm, but as a physician I have encountered patients and/or parents who get discouraged and do not fully understand the use of bedwetting alarms, so I think your product support is very important.Coco C.
Your emails have had perfect timing both times I received them! Thank you! The first email gave ideas for when relatives come to stay. And ours were coming that week! I was able to read your email to my son and work with my son on a workable plan. The current email deals with traveling. Again we are getting ready to go on a road trip and it brought it to attention to plan ahead.
I really appreciate the support emails you send. Just when I've got a question...I get an email from you giving me the answer.Happy Dad, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Thank you for the follow-up! I really appreciate hearing from you during this process. Our son is making tremendous progress with the alarm. After 7.5 years of no dry nights, he had his first one after using the alarm only 7 days. Now, 7 weeks in, he is on the every-other-day portion and relishing his success! Thank you for an excellent, easy-to-use, successful product!Anonymous
We purchased a second alarm for my 6 year old daughter in January. She decided she wanted to be a big girl. After 2 months with the alarm, she was dry! She was so happy, and so were we. Recently, she has had a "relapse". Instead of worrying, we took the alarm out and are using it again! Your e-mail to us offering support could not have come at a better time. Instead of worrying about causes etc, I knew that it was normal. Thanks so much for being there! Thanks again!Michelle G.
The information that you included with the monitor and the e-mail encouragement have been very helpful. We felt like we were the only people with a child with this extreme of a bed wetting problem. You described our situation so clearly we knew that was obviously not the case. Thanks so much for a wonderful product and wonderful support.Julie J.
Thank you for following up with your support e-mail on the use of alarms! I've been very undisciplined using it and of course, we've seen little improvement. But I am now determined to use it correctly with the progress charts, encouragement and rewards. Instead of being discouraged, we'll be proactive, persistent and excited! Thanks for following up! We needed it!Sandra D, Galveston
Thanks you for this recent update. My daughter has been using this alarm for 2 weeks. I had questions regarding this and you have now answered them. I guess we are in the right track. I like these helpful e-mails.Linda B
We have had a very positive experience with the alarm, seeing almost instant improvement even though it has been 4 mos. Our family took a cruise, which interrupted our ability to use the alarm at night, so we are having to make a comeback from that. It also takes longer because parents are divorced, so he sleeps in two places regularly. Both parents are supporting the alarm. I have found the periodic emails from your store very helpful and supportive, so I'm glad I took the time to glance one over rather than delete it. It helped me recognize that we had experienced significant progress when it didn't seem like it.
I really appreciate the support emails you send. Just when I've got a question...I get an email from you giving me the answer.John D.
I am really glad you sent this e-mail. I wish you sent it sooner. I was worried because my daughter will NOT wake up to the sound and it is very loud to us. You e-mail explained it and now we will try again!Anonymous
Our son was eight years old and his bedwetting was becoming a real issue for our family. We purchased the alarm and we saw improvement in the first 2 or 3 weeks but we were anxious for complete victory. We started to get slightly discouraged but then I received a trouble-shooting e-mail from you and it helped us see our journey was normal. Six months after starting the program, we no longer use the alarm even while we are taking our first extended vacation since achieving victory. Recently, we asked our son if he was dry and his response was enthusiastically, "I'm the man!" Thank you for all your support.Thanks from Denver, CO
It has been 3 1/2 months of dry nights. It is the best investment we could have made for our daughter's confidence, pride and self esteem. She tells her grandmothers all the time about how she is a big girl now! Your supportive emails helped us too! Thank you Bedwetting Store for all the support too.Anthony P.
I wish we had found you earlier! I loved the after purchase correspondence, it was helpful, encouraging, instructive. Most importantly I now have a dry child. Thank-you.Rich H
This has been the greatest purchase for us! My daughter was staying dry after one month and we have noticed a change in her self esteem. Also, the emails on what to look for and when to quit were very helpful! Thank you a million times over!!!Hillary B.
I appreciate the follow-up emails and the downloadable progress chart.Jason V
I did not realize how hard it would be for the parents to respond to the alarm initially. We laugh now, but we thought the fire alarm or something was going off the first two nights! Overall, we are very pleased. Our son has been dry for a while now and recently had two wet nights so we did start using the alarm again. I'm happy to get your periodic updates. They are very helpful.
Thank you for the reminder e-mail and I appreciate that you seek customer's feedback.Hilal E
Thank you for the instructions and tips - they definitely helped. It would be great if some of these tips were provided by our pediatrician earlier on. Thank you!!!!Happy customer from Winsor, CA
Thank you. These email tips are helpful. I appreciate the good service.Elizabeth F