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How to Improve Bedwetting Alarm Success

October 11, 2021 2 min read

1. Choose a reliable, comfortable product.

Bedwetting alarms are all a little different.  They sense moisture and alert the user but the way that they do that varies. The alarm that you choose must be one that your child can easily attach, will agree to wear every night and one that gives them the best chance of responding.

The following characteristics are important when choosing the most user friendly bedwetting alarm:

How it connects. 

If your child is sensitive to textures or cords, do not pick an alarm that attaches to their clothing or arm.  A wireless alarm, especially one that just has sensors sewn in to the underwear, is one of the most comfortable alarms on the market.

Durability and reliability.

The average child takes 12-16 weeks to become consistently dry while using an alarm.  The alarm you choose needs to last at least that long.  Batteries should be easy to replace and the alarm should reliably sound to a drop of wetness.

Loudness of sound and strength of vibration.

Even though most children do not hear even the loudest alarm in the beginning, the sound should be loud enough for parents to respond to. When the alarm sounds, parents should go to the child's room and verbally remind them what to do next.

If your child's room is far from yours, consider getting a wireless alarm with two receivers, one for the child and one for the parents.

If the alarm you consider has vibration, make sure you choose one with a strong, steady vibration and not a weak intermittent vibration that is easy to ignore.

2. Don’t expect your child to do everything themselves.

It takes a few weeks for the right response to be learned.  Remember, in the beginning the alarm should also alert parents.  When you hear the alarm, go to your son or daughter’s room.  Help them get the alarm turned off and walk to the bathroom. Once they begin acting independently, you no longer need to respond to the alarm.

3.  Be patient and realistic.

Everyone wants to see dry nights immediately!  This usually does not happen.  Behavioral conditioning is a process and takes time.  The average child takes a few weeks to become permanently dry.

Little signs of progress can be observed on the road to dryness.  Smaller wet spots and fewer wetting episodes mean change is happening.

4.  Use the alarm consistently.

Some families start off strong for the first week or two, but then become complacent about using the alarm every night.  Everyone is excited when a few dry nights are observed and kids are anxious to stop the alarm. However, the alarm should be used nightly until 14 consecutive dry nights happen.  This will lead to permanent dryness and less chance of relapse.

Research proves that bedwetting alarms are still the most effective cure for bedwetting.  Following these tips will insure that your child begins to experience many dry nights while using their alarm. 



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