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Bladder Conditioning Device

May 25, 2012 2 min read

What is a bladder conditioning device?

A bladder conditioning device is more commonly referred to as a bedwetting alarm. Other names for a bedwetting alarm include a pad-and-buzzer apparatus, pee alarm, bell and pad alarm, moisture sensing device, pee alert, wee alert, urine alarm, bed wetting sensor and wetting sheet. Many terms can be used to describe the same product.

Dr. Bill Sears, a well-known pediatrician, recently wrote a great article for "The Costco Connection in the Children's Health section. His informative article, "Tips to help a bed-wetter, discusses six things parents can do to help their child get to dryness.

His tip for the persistent bed-wetter is to "use a pad-and-buzzer apparatus called a bladder-conditioning device.

He talks about the pad style alarm, in which a pad lies under the child, and a drop of urine causes the buzzer connected to the pad to sound.

This is a traditional style bedwetting alarm, such as the Wet Call or Malem Bedside, that is effective but has been mostly replaced by the small wearable or wireless alarms.

The advantage of a wearable alarm is that it moves with the child and senses the first drop of urine as it hits the underwear. With a traditional pad alarm, the urine must leak under the child in order for the alarm to sound. Depending on the child's position when wetting occurs, it may be a few seconds before the pad senses the wetness. If your child has rolled off the moisture sensing pad, it won't sound at all.

We have many bedwetting alarm choices so you can select just the right one for your child.

The Malem Ultimate alarm features both sound and vibration. 

The Rodger wireless features specialized underwear that sense the moisture.

The Clippo allows you child to personalize it by choosing from 9 colorful skins.

Dr. Sears other helpful tips include:

Play show and tell - to inform your child how the brain-bladder connection works

Empty the bladder completely before going to bed - by "triple voiding to squeeze out all the urine

Have a bladder-programming talk - imprint on your child's mind the actions he should take when he feels a full bladder in the nighttime

Shake and wake before you retire - parents lift the child when they go to bed

Get things moving -make sure your child has regular bowel movements


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